Panaji: A Goa-based forensic expert has published a book featuring more than 500 photographs of medico-legal post mortem examination work that would help a criminal justice.
Dr Pannag S Kumar, Assistant Professor in the Department of Forensicc Medicine and Toxicology of Goa Medical College and Hospital, has written a book “Pictorial Forensic Pathology and Toxicology – a Colour Atlas.”
The book was released recently by Director General of Goa Police I D Shukla.
Dr Kumar said that the book features more than 500 photographs of medico-legal post mortem examination work.
The writer said that he has conducted more than 2000 medico-legal autopsies. He has been deposing as a Medical Expert Witness in the Courts of Law across Goa and in neighbouring States and is a Resource person for training of Officers of Goa Police and other stake-holders in the area of “woman and child protection” in association with the Victim Assistance Unit of Goa State.
The book is available on Amazon and Flipkart.
Former Principal District and Sessions Judge, Goa and present Member of Goa State Human Rights Commission Desmond D’ Costa was the Guest of honour for the function while Director of Prosecution of Goa Theodolinda Sarojini Sardinha and Dr. Shivanand M. Bandekar- Dean of GMC were present as special invitees.
Shukla congratulated Dr. Pannag for his hard work in authoring the book which has been well written in a style that can be easily understood by anyone and that the book would help strengthen the criminal justice system.