Awal Karkun dream of Goa Deputy Speaker Isidore Fernandes’s son comes to and end


Raymond Filipe Fernandes, the beleaguered and controversial son of Goa’s Deputy Speaker Isidore Fernandes has been finally axed from the list of those selected for the Awal Karkun’s post

On 27th May from the list of those 16 who were selected in January this year for the post of Awal Karkun, Raymond was left out and the other 15 were allowed to join work, while Raymond was

served a show cause notice on 14th May by the North Goa Collector as to why his candidature should not be cancelled for having submitted a BA degree from Bhartiya Shiksha Parishad Lucknow which is a fake University.

Raymond Fernandes in his reply contended that once selected he could not be denied the job, but the North Collector has held that the explanation given by Raymond was not tenable and has directed that his selection for the post of Awal Karkun now stands rejected.

Following Adv. Aires Rodrigues’s complaint to the Chief Secretary seeking a thorough probe into the selection for the post of Awal Karkun, the North Goa Collector had asked the Registrar of Goa University to verify whether the degree submitted by Raymond Fernandes was genuine while the whole selection process was kept on hold.

The Registrar of the Goa University in his reply informed the North Goa Collector that the BA degree from the Lucknow based Bhartiya Shiksha Parishad submitted by Raymond Fernandes was from a fake University.

The Registrar of the Goa University also drew the attention of the Collector that the University Grants Commission by a notification dated 30th June 2016 had notified the list of fake universities which included the Lucknow based Bhartiya Shiksha Parishad. The Registrar also sent the Collector a copy of the judgment of the Madras High Court delivered on 22nd September 2017 and that of the Calcutta High Court pronounced on June 19th 2018 holding that the Bhartiya Shiksha Parishad was a fake University.

Meanwhile, Adv. Aires Rodrigues has commended Revenue Minister Jennifer Monseratte, Chief Secretary Parimal Rai and the North Goa Collector R. Menaka for upholding the Rule of law and not succumbing to the political pulls and pressure of Deputy Speaker Isidore Fernandes.

Adv. Rodrigues  has urged the Government to ensure that there is a very robust mechanism in place to check the authenticity of educational and other certificates submitted by candidates aspiring for jobs so that there is never a repeat of the Raymond Fernandes saga.


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