Vivekanand Environment Awareness Brigade (VEAB) to organize Prakash Parv on Jan 5


Panaji: Keri-Sattari based nonprofit organization Vivekanand Environment Awareness Brigade (VEAB), in association with Kala Academy will organize ‘Prakash Parv: Celebrating Goa’s Biodiversity’ on January 5.

VEAB was founded by renowned environmentalist Rajendra Kerkar in 2001.

Naturalist Isaac Khimkar, well known as Butterfly Man of India, will be the chief guest of the event and will deliver a lecture on ‘exploring the fragile habitats of India with Butterflies’.

Scientist Dr Mandar Datar will deliver lecture on ‘Floral Diversity of Goa’ and Ornithologist Pankaj Lad will speak on ‘Bird Communication’.

On the occasion Range Forest Officer (RFO) Prakash Salelkar will be felicitated for his dedicated three-decade long service towards protection and conservation of forest and wildlife. Salelkar retired on December 31, 2018 as Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary RFO.


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