Shripad Naik saying China attack was pre- planned is clear admission of Modi government in slumber- Girish Chodankar




Margao: The statement made by Minister for State for Defence Shripad Naik saying that the attack on India was pre – planned by China is a clear admission of the fact that Indian Government was in deep slumber and had no clue of developments happening on the border. The BJP government has no interest in Safety and Security of our Country. They have a single point agenda of glorifying Prime Minister Narendra Modi charged GPCC President Girish Chodankar.

The Defence Minister Rajnath Singh & Minister for State Shripad Naik must immediately resigned taking moral responsibility for the blunder of the government which costed 20 precious lives of our brave soldiers demanded Chodankar.

The BJP Government has engaged the entire machinery for personal glorification of PM Narendra Modi and has miserably failed on Foreign Policy of the Country. It is unfortunate that a small nation like Nepal is showing eyes to PM Modi who once talked of showing red eyes to China. PM Modi has not taken any concrete measures for the welfare of the Country with regards to relations with China. His main focus was to click photographs with the Chinese President Xi Jinping sitting on the swing in Ahemadabad and at Mahabalipuram wearing South Indian attire.

Going by the statement of Shripad Naik, the Modi government needs to answer how the intelligence agencies did not get any information about the preparedness of the Chinese Army along the border. How come the satellite information not gathered by the defence intelligence questioned Girish Chodankar. The real reason is BJP government was busy in preparing for celebrations of one year of Modi government second stint charged Chodankar.

The fake Nationalism of the BJP is now well known to the people of the Country. The BJP plays the card of Nationalism and Patriotism to garner votes only during elections.

Minister for State for Defence Shripad Naik has no power and control on his Ministry. With his current statement he has again put Goa to shame. Earlier he had made a irresponsible statement about Prince Charles getting cured from Covid19 with Ayurvedic Treatment.


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