Shocking! Calcium Carbide used to ripen Chickoos in Margao


Margao: A  surveillance drive to detect chemical ripening was carried out at Margao on Tuesday.

Inspection of a premises was conducted, behind Meenaxi Hotel, Margao were three fruit shops were operational belonging to Nasarulla Angdi , Ubedulla Angdi and Zafar Sadik.

During the inspection it was observed that 220Kg of chickoos and around 70 kg of other fruits were found treated with prohibited ripening agent Calcium Carbide.

Calcium carbide were used for ripening of chickoos. Statutory samples were drawn of chickoos from all three premises and also the adulterent calcium carbide was seized and send for  analysis in FDA lab. Action on the above defaulters will be initiated through the JMFC Court as per the penal provisoins of  FSS act 2006 and FIR’s will be registered for action under IPC.

Balance stock was destroyed at sonsodo margao as the fruit were of perishable nature. The investigation was conducted by FDA team of Abel Rodrigues senior FSO and the food safety officers were shri.Amit Mandrekar,Smt Ankita palyekar,Smt Zenia Rosario and Smt Sneha Sawant along with staff shri.Sainath Mandrekar and Shri . Sudit Naik.


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