Saligao: Saligao MLA Jayesh Salgaonkar is likely to spearhead the agitation which will oppose the expansion of Solid Waste Treatment Plant at Saligao. The locals are upset as they find garbage being strewn and unhygienic situation created due to the plant.
Angry locals from Saligao stopped a truck carrying garbage spilling leachate on the road while proceeding to the Solid Waste Management (SWM) plant at Saligao on Tuesday afternoon. The truck was asked to go back to the village from where it came from. The Saligao Police and officials from the Solid Waste Management plant were informed about the incident, following which they came to the spot.
Local Herald newspaper in its report carried has quoted a farmer from Saligao and member of Save Saligao group, Ramesh Ghadi stating that the truck carrying garbage was spilling waste on the road creating a nuisance to the general public.
“A truck overloaded with wet waste from Anjuna spilled heaps of garbage on the road. It was stopped by angry locals and sent back to its destination as this road has become a nightmare for us as well as the children going to school. All the panchayats are supposed to see that closed container trucks with leachate collection tanks facilities are in place for bio-degradable waste collection and transportation. We will not tolerate this stink and spillage of garbage on the road during transportation,” Ghadi added.
Another villager raised the issue of trucks from different villages passing through the village road to the garbage plant resulting in a stink and spillage of leachate, which have resulted in a number of accidents on these stretches.
“With 100 tonnes capacity (plant), we face so much of a problem and once the capacity is increased we do not know what will be the plight of this heritage village. The question of the expansion of this plant is haunting every Saligaokar. We do not like the way our village is being treated like a dumping yard,” he said.
Locals opine that the Saligao Waste Management Plant is turning to be a nightmare as the issues pertaining to this plant are only increasing with every passing day.
This topic of trucks plying through the village spilling their waste on the road has come up at the gram sabha on several occasions.