Panaji: Goa police on Sunday arrested a ward boy attached to state-run North Goa District Hospital for molesting two minor sisters in the lift of the facility.
Govind Sawant,47, working with North Goa District Hospital in Mapusa town was arrested on Sunday after family of the victims filed complaint with local police.
A senior police officer stated that both the girls were frequenting the hospital where their mother is admitted. “The ward boy used to chase them in the lift and has been molesting them since last couple of days,” the officer said quoting the complaint.
The incident happened between September 23 to 25, he said.
He stated that the ward boy was arrested by Mapusa police on Sunday under section 354, 354-A, 354-D, Section 8 of Goa Children’s Act and section 8,9 and 10 of POCSO Act.
In yet another case, Mapusa police, this week, filed case of molestation against a city based doctor for molesting a lady patient in his clinic on September 22.
As per the complaint filed with the police, the patient has alleged that the doctor behaved inappropriately with her during the check up.
A senior police officer said that the doctor has already moved for anticipatory bail in the court.