IFFI will be awarded the ICFT-UNESCO Fellini medal


In a press conference held at IFFI today, Georges Dupont, Director General, International Council for Film Television and Audio-visual Communication (ICFT) announced that ICFT-UNESCO Fellini medal will be awarded to International Film Festival of India (IFFI) on completion of its glorious 50 years. Project Manager, ICFT Ms Xueyuan Hun was also present at the press conference.

“We realised IFFI was the place to be. We are happy to learn you are celebrating the 50th year. IFFI is a lighthouse to the rest and you have to shine the light to the rest of the world”, Mr. Dupont said.

Movies are becoming more aggressive these days and that is good in a way because now, people can see what actually happened and do not remain blind to their surroundings Mr. Dupont added.

Xueyuan Hun spoke about the upcoming platform to be launched next year that strives to follow on three goals: build peace, stimulate creation in youngsters and explore the endless opportunity of moving images. It hopes to foster, better communication between youngsters and professionals to make more innovations, with ultimate aim of building peace in people’s mind.

With reference to inculcating education at a school level in making films that promote peace, Hun said, “The moving image is the most powerful way to express an idea. What to teach and what you can do with moving image is the key. Media education is about information, expression and what people can learn from what media gives.” In terms of connecting young filmmakers in India to the youth platform, Hun said they would be happy to develop further projects between IFFI and ICFT, next year.

On ICFT UNESCO Gandhi Award Mr. Dupont said that the films for the  awards are screened by IFFI and that the ICFT jury evaluates the films based on the ideals of UNESCO.

IFFI collaborates with the International Council for Film, Television and  Audiovisual Communication (ICFT) Paris, to present a special ICFT Prize consisting of the UNESCO Gandhi Medal. The UNESCO issued commemorative medal in 1994, marking the 125th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi. Since then the ICFT UNESCO Gandhi Award is being given to a film that best reflects Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals of peace, tolerance and non-violence. This year 7 foreign renowned films namely Ama Khando, Oray, Rwanda, Sanctorum, The Infiltrators, The Warden, Vitality and one Indian film (Bahattar Hoorain) will compete for this exemplary award.

IFFI is considered to be Asia’s one of the oldest and prestigious Film Festival delivering a diverse array of compelling films, panel discussions, and other special events. This Golden Jubilee edition showcases over 200 best films from 76 countries.


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