Villagers wait repair of Anganwadi at Maloli in Sattari Devendra Gaonkar





Sattari:The Maloli village Aganwadi is in a dilapidated condition since last few years. The villagers had already informed and complaint to the local MLA, Vishwajit Rane and the village Sarpanch that to repair the village Aganwadi. Till date no one have taken any action, Say Maloli villagers.


When the Local MLA Vishwajit Rane visits our village, especially during the election times, that time we all villagers are informing our MLA that to do the maintenace and repairing work of our village Aganwadi. The MLA listening to us, whatever we are telling to him at that moment and that moment he is promising us that, he will build a e-learning Anganwadi in our village, but soon after the election our MLA forgetting all the promises and nothing happening, say villagers.

A village woman Gauri Harwalkar said that our village Anganwadi is in a bad condition since the last few years. And presently the Anganwadi is running in a small rented room, where the children are facing the many  problems.


Our Anganwadi is in a very bad condition. The roof of Anganwadi where broken and the plastering work of Anganwadi building is fallen down. We have told the village panchayat that to do the repairing work of our village Aganwadi. Our village Sarpanch is telling us every times that the tender of Anganwadi repairing work is already done and the repairing work will start soon, but till date the repairing work of Anganwadi is not started, says a villager Pandurang Harwalkar.


The all our Goa RDA have constructed the more than 40 Anganwadi in rural villages of state and till date the RDA have not hand our those 40 Anganwadi’s to the Department of Woman and Child Develpoment. We have done the process of handovering the Anganwadi. Also the repairing work of Maloli Anganwadi have taken the Public Work Department says Sarpanch Prashant Marathe.


The Maloli village Anganwadi was inaugurated in 1999 in the hands of then Goa Legislative Assembly speaker Pratapsing Rane in the presence of then Valpoi MLA Venkatesh Desai.



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