Tourism dept to introduce integrated management of the beaches


Panaji: Tourism Minister Rohan Khaunte on Monday said that an agency would be appointed to have integrated management of the beaches in the state, which will also include cleaning of the shoreline on round the clock basis.

Khaunte told reporters that currently a private agency has been engaged in cleaning the beaches without giving any proper thought to it. “The garbage which accumulates from evening till morning goes without being collected,” he said adding that the beach cleaning should happen 24 by seven.

The minister said that the tourism department will introduce integrated module for beach management which will include Tourism Information Centre, Convenience Centre, Beach Cleaning round the clock, Surveillance Cameras, proper illumination of the beaches besides other.

Khaunte said that since State Police cannot be posted on the beaches round the clock, tourism department will employ officers who would work to curb illegalities like touting, unauthorized vending on the beaches. He said that the tourists have been complaining about harassment to them on the beaches.

The minister also said that the reaction time of State Police to a complaint by tourist should be improved. “There should be immediate reaction from the police to the complaint by tourists,” he said adding that the tourism department is looking at holistic plan to attract quality tourists.


  1. This BJP Government is standing on the Shoulders of the Independent & MGP MLAs. They are anti-BJP MLAs because they won against the BJP. Anytime they can pull this BJP Government down, because they won against the BJP.


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