Goa Public Service Commission has invited sealed Bids to dispose of the condemned Vehicle on “as is whereas basis” (working condition). Such Bids should reach the office of the Secretary Goa Public Service Commission, EDC House, Panaji up to 10.30 am on May 18, 2022.
The catalogue showing the details of the said Vehicle and the terms and conditions of auction can be obtained from the office of the Commission on any working day during office hours on payment of Rs. 200/- (Non refundable), from the date of publication of the auction notice. The Vehicle mentioned in the catalogue can be inspected by the interested Bidders or their authorized representatives up to 04.00 pm from May 09, 2022 to May 17, 2022. The Bid will be opened in the office of the Secretary GPSC in the presence of the committee members, constituted for the purpose on May 18, 2022 at 11.00 am. The Bidders or their authorized representatives may remain present on the said date and time.
The interested persons are informed that the right to accept or reject any or all Bids without assigning any reason thereof is reserved by the Committee. They are also informed that the process of the Bid will be subject to Government instructions issued from time to time, in this regard.