Tally of COVID-19 cases to touch 41: Vishwajit Rane



Panaji: The total number of positive cases are expected to touch a mark of 42 in next few hours, as confirmatory tests on few more samples are underway at Virology lab of Goa Medical College and Hospital.

State Health Minister Vishwajit Rane said that the number of cases will touch 42 with few  more tests underway at GMC’s virology lab.

The maximum number of positive cases seems to be reported amongst the Delhi-Thiruvananthapuram train passengers.

What is interesting is that though Chief minister Pramod Sawant during press conference claimed that the total number of active cases are 35, the medical bulletin has listed on 31 cases.

Out of 959 samples tested, 879 are negative, nine are positive and 71 reports are still awaited.



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