Taleigao voters will once again shower their blessings on me: BJP candidate Jennifer Monserrate



Taleigao:She has been a grass root worker before taking a plunge into active politics. BJP candidate for Taleigao constituency Smt Jennifer Monserrate is on a door-to-door campaigning meeting her people.

On Tuesday, she was accompanied by Zilla Panchayat member Anjali Naik, Deputy Sarpanch of Taleigao Village Panchayat Rega Pai, local BJP office bearers and karyakartas during her campaign in Shankarwadi and adjoining areas.

Smt Monserrate patiently heard grievances of the people and also spent quality time with each family. She has assured the people that if given a chance again, she will bring about the complete development of the constituency.

Speaking to reporters, Smt Monserrate said that she first started her work at the Panchayat level from where she took a step further to enter Goa Assembly. “I entered politics at the panchayat level. Prior to this, I was actively involved in social work which I continue doing. I entered the Assembly Polls fray on being urged by the people of my village. My people voted me to victory and I am certain, they will once again bring me back to power,” she said.

In her campaign, Smt Monserrate is also spreading awareness on the overall developmental works carried out by the BJP-government in the last 10 years. With the support of double engine sarkar, she added that she ensured a large number of development projects were also carried out in her constituency. “My people know that I have strived hard to bring development to my constituency. At the same time, all the needs of each household are taken care of. It is my responsibility as their representative and I will continue to live up to their expectations. Therefore, my victory is certain,” she said.

She also emphasized that the BJP government did not shy away from its responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various relief measures were undertaken and large scale health facilities were also set up. Goa went through a difficult phase owing to the pandemic but BJP made all efforts to make sure its people are at ease. “We have been a transparent government. Our Goans should make BJP victorious, again, in this assembly elections,” Smt Monserrate urged.


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