Sewage treatment plants will solve the problem of pollution of River Sal: Savio Rodrigues


Voicing his concerns over the pollution in River Sal, BJP Spokesperson Savio Rodrigues in a video on social media opined that the problem of contamination is two-pronged and that sewage treatment plants to arrest contamination at source is the only solution to permanently stop the river pollution.

In the video, Rodrigues expressed, “You an existing contamination and a persistent contamination. Many are focused on the existing contamination and failing to focus on the persistent contamination. The pollution of River Sal can be contained and contamination of the water treated. First treat the source of the pollution that flows into the water. Then treat pollution in the water. You can treat the water but if the source of contamination continues water will continue to get polluted even after cleaning. And the river pollution problem will persist.”

“The current sewage treatment plant is inadequate to deal with the water pollution concerns. The government must put more sewage treatment plants after identifying the sources of the pollution. Water does not pollute itself. We humans due to our lack of environmental sensitivities pollute the water. The problem with water contamination is understanding the source of the contamination first. Then creating a system that arrests the contamination at source. First step to stop pollution in water is STPs at village-levels,” he further elucidated.

Locals from Salcete are voicing their concerns over the pollution of River Sal, as many are seeing the discharge of raw sewage directly into the river in some places in Salcete.


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