Seafarers, Expats in the Dock


Our seafarers have always been the pride of Goa for generations and every new generation contributes its fair share of young Goans to this industry.
We also have Expat Goans who had to return back to their native Goa due to Covid related negative employment situations in their respective countries. Majority of these expats are left stranded due to loss of jobs, non-improvement of the situation in those countries and other reasons. They are finding it difficult to find gainful employment.

Following Covid-19 our seafarers and expats are in a financial crisis and my heart goes out to these people who have always contributed to the cash infusions into the Goan economy. Our Government has failed them on all fronts and although there was much talk about their rehabilitation, nothing concrete has come out from the CMOs to alleviate the plight of the seafarers and expats.
It’s rather a pathetic thing that our Government went to the extent of literally extorting money from our seafarers & expats for Quarantine facilitation. I had opposed this vehemently at that time and even now I demand that the Government should adopt a benevolent attitude by returning the Quarantine fees levied unfairly on these people who were returning to their homes in wake of a world pandemic. It was highly insensitive to charge them at that time and now is the opportunity to makeup for that insensitivity by returning their hard earned money. Most of them are in a dire financial situation and this money would be a most welcome relief.
Viable employment for these special category of people with sea skills is difficult and they men have been working odd jobs to make ends meet. Similar is the situation of the expat Goans stranded in Goa of which many are highly skilled but find no employment opportunities.
It’s time the Government took up their cause and devise a Rehabilitation Package demanding special funds from the Centre.

In fact, it’s because of the CMOs Careless Attitude and Mismanagement that the Centre allotted meagre funds to Goa while states like Mizoram received higher Covid funds. A better and studied projection for fund’s would have ensured a higher allotment but then our CM is perennially studying every topic but without results. He keeps studying every subject but never answers exams so no results!

I earnestly implore the CM to stop studying and start taking up these issues with the Centre on priority basis seeking funds for the Rehabilitation of our seafarers and stranded expats.


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