Sattari has welcomed the IIT Goa project


Devendra Gaonkar

Valpoi: Sattari has welcomed the IIT Goa project at Murmune village in Guleli Panchayat, Valpoi. After there were oppositions for its set up in Sanguem .The Guleli Panchayat and people of Guleli look forward for job opportunities and source of income in the upcoming IIT project. They have praised the Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant and the Valpoi MLA and the Health Minister Vishwajit Rane for bringing the IIT Goa to Murmune village of Guleli Village Panchayat.

The Goa Government have to make the provision that the goan people should get the jobs in the Administrative Department of IIT Goa and the first priority of

job should be given to the Murmune villagers, the second priority to the Guleli village panchayat area people and the third job priority to the people of sattari Taluka. Says Sattari Bhumi Putra.

Already there is existing buffer zone of Mhadei wildlife sanctuary and the Bondla wildlife sanctuary in the vacinity. while undertaking the work of IIT Goa complex. The precaution measure should be take that not to degrade the ecological parameter. There should be not ground complex. The focus on rain harvesting water and the pressure should be not there on ground water resources of this area.

They have to take the call of planting the new tree on same day, they cut the tree. The wild corridor of Bisons, they frequently visit as by near that vicinity and the two time area should be reserved for the protection of seasonal grass land. As the instruction is concerned from the ground level, the strict visional should be maintain. The sewerage treatment plant and the Solid waste treatment plant should be build in that IIT project area, otherwise it will pollute the ground water. Says Rajendra Kerkar, Renowned Environmentalist.

This Murmune village IIT Goa project land is belong to the Revenue Department, Goa. The total land is almost 13 lakhs square meters and out of this 10 Lakhs has given now to IIT Goa project.

The earlier on the this land the Valpoi MLA and the Health Minister Vishwajit Rane was supposed to get a Industry and also Minister had promised to the Sattari people that he will make this land as the Guleli IDC. But he have failed to get the Industry in this area and finally he gets the IIT Goa project on this land. The unemployment rate is increasing day by day in Sattari. The almost around five thousands youths are unemployed in Taluka.

On this Revenue Land right now the total 18 family are residing there, out of this the five families are belong to the Dhangar community and they are having the total 40 members. This five houses has located at the centre part of this land and the other 13 houses has been located at the ending part of the revenue land and this 13 houses are belong to the other community. They are all residing on this land since past six decades.

And till the date this people have not informed by the Guleli Panchayat regarding the IIT project is coming on this land, The land, where they have been residing since the ages. The Murmune villagers who are staying on this IIT Goa project land will now approched to the Guleli Panchyat and they will request the all Panch members to take the special gram sabha on IIT project  and also they will request the panch members that to explain the IIT project in details to all villagers. Says Murmune villagers.

The few days back the North Goa Collector along with the Revenue Department Officials and the Land and Records Department Officials have visited in Murmune Village and have done the land Survey of Revenue land. The North Goa Collector have promised us that the IIT project will not affect them. Says a villager.

The IIT Goa project in Guleli panchayat jurisdiction, will help to develop our Panchayat area. Also it will provide the Employment opportunity to our youth. Says Premnath Hazare, Zila Member, Guleli.

I would like to thanks our MLA and the Health Minister Vishwajit Rane for getting the IIT project in Our Guleli Village Panchayat. Now our panchayat will get some revenue through this IIT Goa project. Says Asmita Melekar, Sarpanch, Guleli Panchayat.


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