Probe infant girl murder, daughter not safe in BJP Raj : AAP



AAP demands a high level enquiry in the case where body of an infant girl was found in pieces near Siridao beach.

“Its been more than a week, police has no clue whatsoever, we don’t think that police is showing any seriousness to solve this case. Chief Minister Pramod Sawant should set up a high level enquiry in this case”, said Surel Tilve, AAP spokesperson.

The law and order situation in Goa is degrading day by day. How easy it has become for someone to bury an infants body on a beach, criminals are no more scared.

“We want to ask Pramod Sawant, is he planning to convert Goa into another Uttar Pradesh? The series of heinous crimes against women and the inaction of UP’s CM yogi Adityanath is in front of everyone. BJP’s slogan of ‘Beti Bachao’ sounds more like a warning now,” said Surel Tilve.

There are some serious questions which Goa police is not answering, why it took them so long to plan for the investigation? What they have been doing from past 8 days? Police patrolling on beaches is regular thing, what were they doing at that time? Dr Pramod Sawant who is also the Home Minister of the state must find time to review law and order situation.


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