PM did not had decency to express regret over COVID-19 situation: Congress


Panaji: A senior Congress party leader on Saturday accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the COVID-19 deaths and commented that he did not had the decency to express his regret that the situation has happened.

“Our PM does not have the decency to express his regret that the situation has happened. He does not accept the reality that he failed people of the country,” All India Congress Committee Observer Dinesh Gundu Rao told reporters in Panaji, where he is on his four day tour to strengthen the organization.

The Congress leader said “the people did not die of covid alone, they died because there was no medicine available, there was no oxygen, vaccination was not done, hospitals were not equipped.”

“When he (PM) was proudly trying to put his photo on vaccine certificate for cheap publicity, should he not also be held responsible for deaths of lakhs of people in the country?,” Rao questioned.

He said that the entire country had to face consequences of COVID-19 due to “absolute negligence of our PM Narendra Modi, who despite knowing the fact that you have to be prepared for pandemic, self declared victory over COVID-19.”

Rao accused Modi of neglecting to procure vaccine. “To ensure that he (PM) can win the elections, he went ahead and conducted massive rallies across the country even when cases were rising,” he commented.

Rao said that the Kumbh Mela was allowed to happen. “Biggest super spreader event in the world was kumbh mela event. Knowing the facts, they allowed all this,” he said.

Rao said that when all political parties requested Election Commision of India to cut short the Bengal election, neither did they nor PM listen.

“What happened today, the pandemic has spread throughout the country, lakhs of people have died, crores of people’s lives have been affected, economy has gone down and till today,” he said.



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