No selling or serving of liquor post 11pm in North Goa- DEO


Panaji: In view of ensuring Lok Sabha elections for the North Goa parliamentary constituency, the North District Election Officer (DEO) has imposed ban on selling or serving of liquor after 11pm till April 20, within its jurisdiction.

In a press statement issued today, DEO has said that to ensure free, fair, peaceful and orderly conduct of the entire election  process all the liquor shops/bars and restaurants, pubs,  food joints, shacks etc. serving or selling liquor in North Goa are prohibited from selling or serving liquor after 11.00 p.m. for the period upto  April 20.

“All the liquor shops/bars and restaurants, pubs ,food joints, shacks etc. serving or selling liquor in North Goa are prohibited from selling or serving liquor for the period commencing from 6.00 p.m from April 21 up to 12.00 midnight on April 23,” the press statement added.

The licensed  premises having license for bar and restaurant are allowed to keep the restaurant open for serving food only and the bar counter will be closed and no liquor will  be allowed to be served or sold during the above mentioned days and time. The owners of the licensed premises having bar and restaurant will display a board  in the premises stating that No Liquor will be served on the said days and time and that only the restaurant is open for serving food.

Any liquor shop/bar, pub or any establishment serving or selling liquor found violating this order, during the prescribed period is liable for cancellation of license and the owner or offender will be liable for penal action under Section 188 of Indian Penal Code, 1908, read with Section 30 of the Excise Duty ACT, 1964 and other relevant provisions  of law in force.


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