Minister Rohan Khaunte equates Zardari’s statement to dog barking at the Majestic Elephant


Panaji: Tourism Minister Rohan Khaunte equated Pakistan External Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s statement against Prime Minister Narendra Modi to that of proverbial dog barking at the Majestic Elephant.

Zardari’s statement has evoked strong reaction in India, with Bharatiya Janata Party leading the protests.

Khaunte, who is a BJP Minister, tweeted “Proverbial dog barking at the Majestic Elephant is what Bilawal Bhutto’s ranting is all about while Our Hon’ble PM @narendramodi Ji strides the Global Scenario like A Colossal Giant taking India to its Rightful Position of a World Super Power.”


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