Investigation into the case filed by a 80-year-old woman picks up pace


 Old Goa: The investigations into the case related to a 80-year-old woman, who has been fighting 8 year long relentless battle to get back her home at Chorao, picked up the pace on Friday.

Old Goa police transferred the investigation into the matter from controversial sub inspector Sudin Redkar and handed it over to PSI Veronica Coutinho. on Thursday had reported how Old Goa Police were harassing a 80-year-old lady, whose house was illegally transferred in the name of other person by Chorao panchayat.

The role of controversial PSI Redkar in delaying the matter further, and abusing the representative of the complainant, was also exposed by our website.

After the news, the police swung into action.  Old Goa Police Inspector Vijaynath Kavlekar along with PSI Coutinho visited Chorao panchayat on Friday morning to check about the files related to the house of the aged lady.

The team of officials was inspecting the files in the panchayat, which were used to transfer the house, in the name of other person.

Kavlekar has assured the complainant fair investigation into the matter.


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