I can feel a sense of why my father felt such an immense sense of love: Utpal Parrikar


Panaji: After contesting the election as an Independent candidate in Panaji Assembly segment, Utpal, son of former chief minister late Manohar Parrikar, in his post-poll message has said now he can feel a sense of why his father felt such an immense sense of love, attachment and pride about the constituency.

Utpal has contested recently held Goa Legislative Assembly election as an Independent candidate from Panaji Assembly segment after BJP refused him the ticket. He was pitted against sitting MLA Atanasio Monserratte, who was given the ticket despite having criminal antecedent by the party.

“Over the last month or so I have moved around Panaji extensively and during this time I had the opportunity to interact with many of you and can now feel a sense of why my father, the late Shri Manohar Parrikar felt such an immense sense of love, attachment and pride about Panaji and Ponjekars (Panaji residents),” he has said in his post poll message released on various social media platforms on Tuesday.

Late Parrikar was elected as MLA of Panaji Assembly segment for six times since the year 1994 when he won it for the first time defeating a Congress candidate.

In his message, Utpal said that after receiving such tremendous support support from across Panaji for the Goa Assembly Election 2022, he is greatly humbled by the experience.

“I thank each and every Ponjekar who voted for me and blessed me with their unflinching support. I also take this opportunity to thank all my supporters and the volunteers who worked tirelessly throughout the campaign often using their own resources and for not bowing down to pressure from various vested interests,” he said.

He has reiterated his commitment to work hard and with sincerity to make Panaji a modern, smart city and to restore its vibrancy and lost glory.

Referring to his “critics and detractors”, Utpal wrote “I say Thank You for having spurred me to put in even more effort to be the best version of myself and for strengthening my resolve to pick up the baton from where my late father left it to ensure that his vision and dream for Panaji is realized.”


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