Harbour Coastal Police files chargesheet in Nu Shi Nalini Ship case


Vasco: Harbour Coastal Security Police Station have chargesheeted the owners of Arya Ship Charters Private Limited and others in connection with the naptha carrier MT Nu Shi Nalini, which had drifted from Mormugao Port Trust to the area around Raj Bhavan, Dona Paula earlier this year.

Police Inspector Siddhanth Shirodkar, after completing the investigation in this high-profile case, had presented the charge-sheet before the local court against several accused including Pawan Arya and Punit Arya of Arya Ship Charters Private Limited.

The chargesheet mentions that the accused towed their unmanned vessel MT Nu Shi Nalini to MPT containing in it cargo of approximately 2,300 tonnes of Naptha. The ship was involved in a fire incident at Kochi Port wherein one marine engineer had succumbed to the injuries.

The police said that the accused allowed the ship which was berthed at MPT to drift into the sea, neglecting the bad weather report issued by the port authorities, guidelines issued by High Court of Bombay and gudelines issued by MPT, thereby knowingly committed the act endangering human lives and committed offence under section 280 of Indian Penal Code.

Theaccused have also been booked under section 280, 283, 284, 285, 290, 336, 182 read with 34 of IPC.


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