Goa has highest beach debris and plastic litter – MOEF study


Panaji: A study conducted by Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change (MoEF &CC) and  Society of Integrated Coastal
Management (SICM) has revealed that Goa has the highest quantity of
debris and plastic amongst all other coastal States in India.
The study has showed that with 205.75 g/m2 the Goa coast has the
highest quantity of beach debris and so also plastic 25.47g/m2.
“Coastal litters impacts in multiple ways, the most importantly they
degrade the quality and health of our ocean, damage coastal and marine
habitants and harm marine biota,” the reported stated.
Plastic litters such as single use carry bags and sachets of soft
drinks, edible oils, detergents, beverages, cases of cosmetics,
toothpaste, PET bottles, ice cream containers, etc., recorded the
highest mean of 25.47g/m2 from Goa coast.


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