Divya Navelcar …. Engineer turned into an artist


Since my school days I’ve dabbled in different arts and activities but taken each one seriously and competitively. Be it is karate, sports, even volunteer work! My room bears testimony to that – the gold medal for karate and certificates for various curricular activities I’ve found that push me on, motivate me and encourage me ; even gave me a safety net to believe in myself in the times i did encounter failure.

I am a computer engineer. So this foray into art was just serendipity that I discovered during my 12th standard board exam prep. My mother had disconnected the television cable to ensure my complete focus and – when I argued that I’ve nothing to indulge in for necessary leisure time (this was before I even owned a cell phone let alone other indulgences) – she silently handed me a drawing pad and sketching pencils and told me to make the best of it.
I grudgingly did so and slowly watched myself evolve. My father too was appreciative of my art and i used it as a source of inspiration. Unfortunately I stopped pursuing it earlier this year when some unforeseen circumstances resulted in my experiencing personal problems that, try as i may to defy them, would leave me emotionally exhausted and feeling lost. Sitting in my house one day I spied my original art supplies and canvases long forgotten. It took me back to when art was my escape and I decided that I’d had enough of self pity, it was time to pick up where I left off. My father reminded me of the strength I tapped into in going back to my happy place – my little home studio corner and now there is no looking back. Retrospectively, I see how I have evolved over the last year in looking at the themes I’ve explored in my paintings. From dull monotones depicting depressive states to happier palettes and picking up on the beauty of all that life has to offer. I have found my happiness and it lies in art.

Nevertheless, this transformation would have been impossible without the unconditional support and encouragement of my parents and close friends and Tr. Beena , who has mentored me and improved my artistic expression in bounds. I now regularly paint and share it with the world through my Instagram page, titled “VINCA” and it is through such forums that people and organisations have taken notice of my endeavors.
Now, my only motive is to make a name for myself in this field. It was always a priority for me to be recognized for my talent and hard work and this is the field I find reflects my truest form. I’m eternally grateful to the people who have pulled me through my low points and my interest in this [programme/ contest] is not just for my own benefit; I know how proud they will be when they finally see me achieve my dreams.
I am still learning and have a long way to go but if what they say about life being a journey is true, then I’m determined to make the best of every opportunity and moment given to me to achieve what I’m meant for. Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle.


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