Fatorda: Goa Forward Party chief Vijai Sardesai has said that Government should use financial resources from Liberation Day fund to Save Goa from this deadly pandemic.
Sardesai tweeted “@DrPramodPSawant Goa needs critical action! We cannot afford these number of deaths. #Goemkars are suffering. We must deploy #Goa’s financial resources from the #LiberationFund to #SaveGoaNow from this deadly #pandemic. This is a Goemkar’s humanitarian call to action.”
Sardesai tweeted “@DrPramodPSawant Goa needs critical action! We cannot afford these number of deaths. #Goemkars are suffering. We must deploy #Goa’s financial resources from the #LiberationFund to #SaveGoaNow from this deadly #pandemic. This is a Goemkar’s humanitarian call to action.”