Decade back, we wanted Parrikar to become PM of India: Subhash Velingkar


Panaji: Former RSS Goa Chief Subhash Velingkar Wednesday said that the BJP in Goa, a decade back,  aspired that Manohar Parrikar should become the Prime Minister of country.

Velingkar, a former aide of Parrikar, has fallen out with the Chief Minister over the issue of Medium of Instruction in Elementary Education and has formed his own political outfit Goa Suraksha Manch (GSM).

The former RSS Chief, who was sacked after his constant censuring of Parrikar, said the latter is a “dynamic leader.”

“If I was with him (under current circumstances), I would make him retire. Health comes first,” said the 70-year-old leader. Parrikar, 63, is recuperating from his pancreatic ailment since last ten months.

“His health is important for Goa. Parrikar is a dynamic leader, he is a good leader, he is good in decision making but for the lapses,” Velingkar said hinting at differences that developed between both of them.

“His lapses are there and they are getting more serious after the year 2012. It was not before that. We (BJP in Goa) wanted him to become the Prime Minister of the country,” Velingkar said.

“We used to feel that he should be in the centre. Goa is small place for him. We wanted him to go in the Parliament. Parliament is the proper place for him. That was our opinion. But he was not interested. This was in the year 2006-08,” Velingkar said.

The former Goa Sangh chief alleged that  Parrikar never believed in collective decision.

“If he wanted to take rest (now), he would have done that. To continue in the chair is his wish. He should understand what should be his priority. He requires lot of rest,” he said adding “the current drama (of continuing in the chair) is pitiable. Look at the pictures (released by his office). He need not drag on with this.”

Velingkar said that he himself wanted to retire from Sangh at the age of 70 and concentrate on his writings.

“I wanted to retire from Sangh at the age of 70 and then go for research and writing. I have collection of around 1,000 articles in Marathi and Konkani. I wanted to publish a collection of that,” he said.

Commenting on the RSS and its role in politics, Velingkar said “RSS should decide what they want to do. “

“The RSS in its original form was never subjugated to politics. It was playing a role of a guide in politics. It had upper hand. But the situation is on more the same,” he added.

“Now in Goa, BJP is running RSS. Those in the BJP are running the RSS. And this is unfortunate situation,” he said.


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