Cuncolim: The efforts by Goa Forward Party in Cuncolim constituency will give relief to thousands of electricity consumers here.
GFP leader Yuri Alemao said that work order of Electricity Works in Cuncolim Constituency will be issued in a day or two days.
Alemao today while speaking to media said that work order regarding the electricity work to be carried out in Cuncolim constituency would be issued in a day or two.
“Alemao thanked Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar for giving financial approval keeping in mind the urgency of the work,” he said.
“Goa Forward President Vijai Sardesai has been kind enough in following up the work from day one with Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar,” said Alemao.
“It’s due to the team work of Chief Minister, TCP Minister Vijai Sardesai, Ex Power Minister Pandurang Madkaikar and Current Power Minister Nilesh Cabral, we have been able to fast the tender work,” he said.
“We will take up work in a phased manner. Our Party President Vijai Sardesai has today once again spoken with the Chief Minister regarding the work to be fast tracked,” he said.
Alemao said many places in Cuncolim municipal area need urgent attention to replace the conductors and power supply line. “Single phase lines need to immediately converted into three phase lines. All the works mentioned in the tender document would be taken up on priority,” he said.
“The total work order is of approximately Rs 8.08 crore for renovation and improvement in the LT distribution work in Cuncolim,” Alemao said.
GFP leader and Cuncolim constituency in-charge Durgadas Kamat said the party when committed follows up the issue and deliver the promise.
“We commit, we follow up and we deliver! That’s the leadership @GoaForwardParty Vijai Sardesai. We walk the talk unlike others,” Kamat has tweeted.
“#Cuncolimconstituency will move forward in every aspect and @VijaiSardesai @Goaforwardparty committed towards achieving it!. Thanks to Hon’ble Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar for all the needed support in taking #CuncolimForward,” he has tweeted.