Covid19 positive cases surge in Panaji, Porvorim; Administration ruled out lockdown




 Panaji :  District Administration on Friday ruled out a possibility of lockdown in the state but urged the people to abide by covid-19 prevention guidelines.

Deputy Collector, Tiswadi Gurudas Dessai said that lockdown is not possible in near future. “We have already witnessed lockdown last year and seen how badly it has affected us. Hence, another lockdown is not possible” he said.

The twin areas of Panaji and Porvorim witnessed 200 covid-19 active cases on Friday, making it one of the hotspot.

The Health authorities have already directed its staff to intensify contact tracing to ensure that the spread is curbed.

Desai said that state administration has been taking all the precautions including deployment of police force in tourism spots.

The Health authorities have also urged to those who are having symptoms to get tested immediately.

Desai said that all the establishments will have to follow the covid-19 guidelines or else will have their licences cancelled.

“Employees of these establishments who have gone out of state need to get themselves tested before rejoining the work,” he said.



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