Congress writes to Governor; demands white paper on proposed Multi-Modal Logistics Park in Panaji


Panaji: Congress chief spokesperson Sunil Kawthankar in a letter to Governor Mridula Sinha  has requested to direct State government to issue a white paper on the proposed Multi-Modal Logistics Park in Panjim by the Centre.

Kawthankar has demanded a white paper on the project specifying the exact location, number of job creation, availability of infrastructure like water, power, etc, when the project will come up, how it will benefit locals, etc.

Kawthankar said that the capital city is already congested with the scarcity of land and the proposed project requires huge land for setting up the required infrastructure.

Congress leader expressed shock over the fact that self governing authorities like City Corporation or the surrounding village panchayats are not been taken into confidence nor have any public hearing is undertaken for a project of this magnitude.


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