“Congress party is open for all options to ensure that non-BJP govt is formed”

Panaji: Congress party in Goa on Friday claimed that they are open for all options to ensure that a non-BJP government is formed in the state, as BJP has failed to form the new government.
Congress leader Digambar Kamat told a press conference in Panaji that failure of BJP to stake the claim that “everything is not well within the BJP.”
BJP has won 20 seats while Congress won 11 seats during the recently held election. The results were announced on March 10.
“Congress party is open to all options to ensure that a non-BJP government is formed in Goa which will actually uphold the verdict of 2022 assembly polls,” Kamat said.
He said that the split of votes facilitated the BJP to reach 20 seats, which is not the majority number.  “The mandate was clearly against the ruling dispensation which is visible from the 33.31 per cent vote share of BJP, this clears that 66.69 per cent voters did not want the BJP government to govern the state,” the Congress leader said.
Kamat said that on the day of results, the BJP government announced that they are going to form the government with the support of Independents and other political parties.
“Even after a week’s time, since the results were declared, the BJP has failed to claim formation of the government. The BJP leadership is just buying time, giving one excuse and another and has completely failed to give a clear picture on formation of government,” he said.
Kamat said that the Congress party with utmost humility accepted the verdict of people of Goa who elected our 11 MLAs. “We expected the BJP to move ahead and establish the government in the state of Goa. It is most unfortunate, the BJP has not taken any step,” he added.
Kamat said that the Governance has come to halt after the Code of Conduct was announced in January. “No major works have taken up in the last two months. The monsoon is fast approaching and a lot of preparation is pending. China has already raised the alarm,” Kamat said.
The Congress leader said that “it is loud and clear that all is not in BJP and people of Goa are deprived of the government to govern the state. We condemn the dilly dallying tactics of BJP.”
“The act of the BJP government is gross injustice on the people of Goa,” he commented adding “it appears that claims of having 21 MLAs including independents on BJP side is false, malicious and misleading.”
Kamat urged the BJP leadership to make its position clear or accept their inability to form the government.
“Various MLAs have approached congress to take lead in the formation of the government. We appeal to all the non-BJP MLAs to use their wisdom and take steps to ensure that the people of Goa get a full fledged non-BJP government,” he said.


  1. AAP has opened the account in Goa with the 2 Seats. Next election these 2 Seats will become 22 Seats and form the Government and make Goa, a Corruption Free State.


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