About Us

The website is completely a venture of Goans, by Goans and for Goans aiming to publish online the news stories which have the ethos of one of the most beautiful land on this Earth – Goa.

A completely unbiased website will aim to carry the positive stories along with the current affairs. There will be a room for everyone in this space. The team of this venture comprises of the professionals who are with more than five years experience under their belt.

But having said so, we have also left a space for those who would like to cut their teeth in this profession with us. The newcomers are also welcome as much as the experienced one.

The website will evolve over the time graduating it to be the mainstream online venture that Goa would be proud about. This cannot happen without your support.

So all those who felt like clicking on ‘About Us’ button and trying to know more about us are welcome to be a part of this online venture. We want to be the mirror of your aspirations and happenings around you.

– Chief Editor – Goa News Hub


Our Team

Name Designation
Rupesh Samant Editor-In-Chief
Prasad Deshpande Creative Director
Neeraj Bandekar Video Editor
Dipesh Naik Marketing Executive


Company Details

Company Name Goa News Hub
Publisher Name Rupesh Samant
Publisher E-mail rupeshgsamant@gmail.com
Contact Number +919960072835
Company Status Active
Company Category News
Company Sub Category Non-govt company
Class of Company Private
Date of Incorporation 05/05/2017
Age of Company 5 years
Number of Members less than 20