80-year-old lady case: Shiv Sena demands suspension  of PSI Sudin Redkar


Old Goa: Even as senior police officers have maintained silence over the harassment to 80-year-old lady by their officers at Old Goa police station, Shiv Sena has come in support of the lady.

Shiv Sena Vice President Rakhi Prabhudessai Naik, in a tweet released quoting www.goanewhub.com, has demanded immediate suspension of PSI Sudin Redkar.

Sena has called Redkar as “habitual offender” who has been accused of similar instances of harassment to the people, even in the past.

Naik tweeted “Shiv Sena strongly stands by 80-year-old lady who has been harassed by habitual offender PSI Sudin Redkar. We demand his suspension immediately to give justice to the senior citizen.”

We had carried a detailed news item of how the lady was harassed over 8 years by Old Goa police.


WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED  In a bizarre case of inhuman attitude, a 80-year-old lady from Chorao have been struggling for last 8 years to get back her own house, which has been illegally transferred in the name of another party by local panchayat.

Despite showing all the relevant documents to prove her ownership, Old Goa Police have been dragging feet since the year 2012 over the case, making the lady to come often to the police station.

In the recent development, controversial Police Sub Inspector Sudin Redkar has made the matter worst, after he refused to entertain the legal representative of the lady, over some weird reasons.

The struggle of Fransisca Pereira dates back to the year 2012 when she went to pay house tax in Chorao panchayat only to realise that the tax of her house was transferred to the neighbour Derick Lobo.

Pereira, through her RTI application, got out the truth that panchayat illegally transferred to the tax. To make her situation worst, neighbour started living in the house, when she had gone to her daughter’s place.

The lady filed police complaint in the year 2012 but all the Police Inspectors and Sub Inspectors who have been handling the case have been asking her to come repeatedly seeking some or other document.

In the latest development, Redkar has asked the lady to provide “Sale Deed” of the house, wherein it was inherited by her from her husband. Sale deed comes into force only when one buys a new property.

The often requests to Redkar has fetched no results, with legal representative of the lady, being told by him to “approach any authority including SP but the work will not be done.” (we have audio conversation of Redkar claiming so).

With no alternative left, the lady has decided to sit in for hunger strike at Azad Maidan in Panaji demanding justice.



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