Panaji: While raising serious doubts over credentials of senior officer Swayandipta Rai Chaudhari, Aam Admi Party (AAP) has asked State government to probe why 36 employees of Imagine Panaji Smart City Development Limited (IPSCDL) have left the work in last few years.
AAP leader Pradip Ghadi Amonkar has raised volley of questions seeking their replies from Pramod Sawant-led government related to IPSCDL.
Amonkar has questioned whether it is true that 36 employees have left IPSCDL in past few years. He has further asked “if yes, what is the reason for such a high attrition rate.”
Arvind Kejriwal-led party has also sought to know what is the total amount spent on this MD+CEO since his appointment, including salary, expenses, perks, benefits, food, clothing, petty expenses.
“Is it true that no Board meeting has been held since March 2019? Who is accountable for the decisions taken in the past 1.5 years?”
“How has a full-fledged kitchen been installed in an important heritage structure such as the Adil Shah palace? Has Fire Dept given permission for use of LPG gas cylinder within this landmark building?”
“What is the status of the 200-crore Integrated Command & Control Centre project, of which crores of rupees have already been spent?”
“Why have so many consultants have been appointed for the same list of projects?”
“When was the last audit done of the IPSCDL SPV?”
Amonkar demanded a Special Audit by the state govt to uncover the actual level of corruption and mishandling of the IPSCDL and take strict action against Chaudhari. He demanded that Chaudhari’s term, which expires soon, should not be extended under any circumstances.
AAP leader Valmiki Naik also attacked Panaji MLA Atanasio Monserrate and CCP Mayor Uday Madkaikar, who used to criticise the functioning of Chaudhari, but have suddenly gone quiet over the past year. Naik demanded to know what is the reason for their silence now?
Naik said that after reportedly spending 20 crores on the IPSCDL office in the Adil Shah palace, Chaudhari himself was living and behaving like a king in the palace at the expense of the aam aadmi.
Naik stated that the “Imagine Panaji” SPV, was formed to utilise the money judiciously and expedite the work for the benefit of Pannjekars, but instead they have been delivered an “Imaginary Panaji” where money is spent but there is nothing to show.