11th Indian Breast Cancer survivors conf in Goa on Oct 1,2 in Goa



11th Indian Breast Cancer survivors conference organised by Gokarma oncology association, Women’s cancer initiative Tata Memorial hospital and Nag Foundation will be held in Goa at international centre Dona paula on 1 st and 2 nd oct .
It will be inaugurated at 9.30 am on 1st oct by mrs Sulakshana Sawant in the presence of dr Victoria chowgule, dr Mandar nadkarni, dr shona nag, dr shekhar salkar and dr devika Bhojwani.
key note address will be delivered by dr mandar nadkarni noted breast cancer oncosurgeon of Kokilaben hospital mumbai.
Followed by a lectures by dr shona nag noted medical oncologist from poona.
other aspects like effective treatment,mental health,complimentary therapy,genetic,healthy lifestyle, treatment of Lymphodema,sexuality and intimacy and interaction with survivors by noted drs in these fields on Breast cancer .

Around 75 ladies from Mumbai and poona who has successfully conquered the big ‘C ‘ will attend the conference.

* Goan breast cancers survivors who are interested to attend the sessions n conference are most welcome but need to register for logistic reasons. Conference is free but registration is compulsory. *
*Pl Whsts app your name n address to dr Devdutta Sail on 9822235312 cell number.


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