Velus villagers get shade for Ganesh immersion after 30 years By Devendra Gaonkar


VALPOI: It was a wish that the villagers nurtured for over three decades. A small shade to immerse Ganesh Idols during Chovoth was finally inaugurated on Saturday fulfilling the long pending wish.

On the first day of Ganesh Chaturthi festival, the ‘Gaonkar community’ people from Velus village have inaugurated the ‘Ganpati Visarjan’ shade in the presence of Velus village ward number two councillor, Ramdas Shirodkar.


The Ganpati Visarjan Shade is built by Valpoi Municipal Councill through the development fund. Since the past 30 years, Velus villagers were demanding to the Valpoi Municipal Council that to build the Shade in Velus village for the Ganesh Idol Immersion as villagers were facing the many problems during the time of ‘Ganesh Virsarjan’ in village.

After neglecting the Velus villagers demand for the past thirty years, finally Valpoi Municipal Council have built the shade for Ganesh Idol Immersion in Velus, say Velus villagers.


The Velus village comes under the Valpoi Municipal Jurisdiction and village has divided into the two wards, that is ward number one and two.


There are around one thousand five hundreds voters in this village with the population of 2,500 plus. The Velus village is one of the oldest village in Goa, around two thousands years old village.


In 1985 when the Valpoi Municipal Council was formed at that time the Velus village is the first village, who have entered in the Valpoi Municipality and that is in ward number one and now this village has divided in two wards that is one and two because of large population. The earlier Velus village was the part of Nagargao Village Panchayat.


Now after passing the three decades, Velus village have got the shade for Ganesh Idols Immersion. We are very happy today, on the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi festival our village ‘Ganpati Visarjan’ shade construction work has completed. We all villagers have fought for this shade with the Valpoi Municipality for the past several years. Now at last we have got the beautiful shade for the Ganesh Idol Immersion, said a villager Amresh Gaonkar.


Another villager Kashinath Surya Gaonkar said that he would like to thank Dulo Gaonkar for giving his own land for building the Ganpati Visarjan shade in our village and that is without any return acceptation. Further he said the Velus village “Gaonkar Community” people are always donate their land for the development of village. So we have felicitated Dulo Gaonkar for donating the land.


I was a long pending demand of Velus villagers that to build the Ganesh Visarjan Shade in village. I have fullfilled their long pending demand. We have built this shade through the Development Fund and within a month we have completed the work of shade with the total estimate of almost Rs six lakhs, says Ramdas Shirodkar, Councillor.


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