Underlining the value of food safety on World Food Safety Day  By Prasenjeet Dhage



Panaji : Annually June 7, is observed as the World Food Safety Day. This is a joint collaborative effort by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations which aims at alleviation and eradication of food borne diseases across the world.  This year, the theme is ‘Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow’

Food safety is everyone’s business and it is more important now during the pandemic than ever. We need to reiterate the importance of good hygiene, nutritional value of food and promote foods that enhance the immunity of individuals.

Since we are all confined to our homes during curfew we need to take special care while deciding what to eat and what not to eat.

Nutritionist and fitness enthusiast Sachin Sutar said “one needs to eat foods with low carbohydrates as we aren’t taking part in much physical activity” according to him Goan brown rice is best food to eat, “normal white rice is digested quickly hence we tend to feel hungry in 2-3 hours but, brown rice on the other hand takes time to digest” he added.

Sutar has advised people to eat more protein in the form of chicken, soyabean and paneer. “leafy vegetables and fruits are great too” he concluded.

Ugam Prabhudesai a farmer from Pernem who grows organic vegetables and jaggery advocates for the long term benefits of food grown without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. “Organic food is expensive but for the long term they are healthy for your body” Prabhudesai grows his fruits and vegetables using natural fertilizers & pesticides like ‘Jivamrut’ which is specially made from gomutra and cow dung.

“Ironically people will not bargain while purchasing junk food but while going for organic farm produce they want to bargain. Junk food may give temporary satisfaction but on the other hand if you consume organic food your body will be grateful to you” he said.


Dr Shekhar Salkar, surgical oncologist from Manipal hospital speaking about junk food said “If you want to prevent yourself from COVID or even from cardiac and cancer diseases, diet is extremely important. And, we have to keep ourselves away from the HFSS (High Fat Sugar and Salt) diet. In general terms, they are called junk foods. Parents today don’t have time to prepare fresh food every day for their children, they tend to give all this processed food. These kinds of food items can be harmful for the children in the long term”

What is your favourite healthy food which not only satisfies your cravings but  is also good for your body? Let us know in the comments!


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