Selection of Goa CIC & SIC slanted alleges Aires


Taking strong exception to the skewed manner in which the Goa Government has high-handedly

selected BJP leader Vishwas Satarkar as the Chief Information Commissioner

(CIC) and journalist Sanjay Dhavlikar as State Information Commissioner (SIC), Adv.

Aires Rodrigues has stated that as both these quasi-judicial posts carry a very

handsome monthly salary of Rs 2, 25,000 each, besides other perks, it was

imperative that the best and brightest should have been chosen for these

coveted positions.

Pointing out that within the 32 candidates who applied for the post of CIC and the 25

for SIC, there were definitely many much more qualified meritorious individuals,

Adv. Rodrigues has stated that eminence in public life as required and a very

sound knowledge of law should have been the guiding factor in the selection for

these vital posts.

Adv. Rodtigues has stated that the selection to any post has to be always free,

fair, transparent and not vitiated by political inter meddling as the failure

to do so erodes the faith and trust of the very people it is designed to serve.

Drawing the attention that Section 15 (6) of the Right to Information Act specifically mandates

that the CIC and SIC should not be connected with any political party, Adv.

Rodrigues has deprecated that we now have a CIC who is a former Speaker and a

very prominent active leader of the ruling BJP.

Stating that even if Vishwas Satarkar now formally resigns from his deep roots with

that party it would not pull the wool over anyone’s eyes, Adv. Rodrigues has

stated that it was an irony that after occupying that high August Chair as

Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly Vishwas Satarkar chose to stoop to be

CIC while adding that unfortunately, politicians today don’t work towards

moving upwards but sink to any levels to grab any and every Chair possible.

While emphasizing that the  RTI Act is a
powerful and potent tool to expose corruption and maladministration and in this

direction an independent and effective Information Commission is a vital

mechanism that has to be in place, Adv. Rodrigues has asserted that to ensure

proper implementation of the Act the Information Commission should comprise of

independent minded persons of integrity, who would not succumb to the pressures

and pulls of politicians in power as their primary focus is to defend the

rights and liberty of individuals to have access to information, files and

documents pertaining to the Governmental operations, performance and decisions.

Further stating that the all important Institution of Lokayukta, Human Rights

Commission, State Information Commission and Police Complaints Authority are

all bodies constituted by law and each one of them has a purpose besides a

clear mandate while a lot of public money is spent in running these authorities

constituted to deliver justice to the citizens and bring to book the wrong

doers, Adv.Rodrigues has stressed the need to keep politicians at bay to ensure

true independence in the functioning of these authorities while suggesting that

it would be proper to entrust the High Court the meticulous selection of

non-partisan very qualified persons with integrity to man these bodies

efficiently and truthfully serve the society.


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