People should ban 40 MLAs from entering assembly for just one day: AAP



Stepping up it’s attack on the Govt well as opposition of the issue of 1-day monsoon session of Assembly, AAP called on the people of Goa to gather at the assembly gate on July 27th at 9.00 am, and stop the 40 MLAs from making a mockery of democracy by having a one-day mock session.

Speaking at the gate of legislative complex in Porvorim, AAP leaders Pradeep Padgaonkar, Sunil Signapurkar, and Valmiki Naik chided the MLAs, reminding them that one-day sessions in the Assembly are held only by law students of colleges in Goa, not by law makers, and even those are better-attended and taken more seriously by the students than the charade that the 40 MLAs are planning to enact on July 27th.

AAP demanded to know why the MLAs are feeling the threat of virus, while the same MLAs did not complain when hundreds of teachers were forced to attend school, thousands of students were made to answer exams, and lakhs of tourists are being allowed to enter the state.

Crores of rupees are spent on the salaries, perks and upkeep of the MLAs, while people have to work, pay high electricity bills, pay unreasonably high petrol prices, and pay taxes while these MLAs want to work only few days in the entire year.

The AAP leaders challenged the opposition MLAs such as Congress, GFP, MGP, NCP, and independents to do their job, and not connive with the BJP Govt to help it escape questions on its massive failures. They demanded that the Govt and Opposition announce a full monsoon session within 7 days, or else the people would be forced to gather and to ban the MLAs from making a mockery of democracy.

Pradeep Padgaonkar
State Secretary.


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