Old Goa police have arrested one Mr. Laxman S/o Sahana Pujari, age 33 yrs,residing near Vernekar Bar and Restaurant, St. Cruz, Tiswadi – Goa for setting fire to dumped garbage at Old Goa.
In this connection PI Jivba Dalvi informed that the Sarpanch Mrs. Diksha Kavalekar of Village Panchayat of Santa Cruz had lodged one complaint on 25/03/2019 informing about the said incident of setting fire to dumped garbage and an offence under section 285, 290 IPC was registered.
The panchayat had also informed that the site inspection was carried out by the officials of Goa State Pollution Control earlier in this regards upon receiving the same complaint and during which a site inspection was carried out and the panchayat was fined for RS. 25,000/- for violation of Solid Waste Management Rules and for creating environmental pollution.
Police put efforts and formed a team to nab the accused person and PI Dalvi took the matter seriously as it pertained to environmental damage. Further after hectic efforts the police traced the accused by working on the intelligence collected and placed the accused under arrest today on 02/04/2019 under section 285, 290 IPC for creating nuisance to public by setting fire to garbage in public area.
Police have also recovered the matchstick used by the accused person to light fire to the garbage.
Further investigation is in progress with LPSI Veronica Coutinho under the supervision of PI Jivba Dalvi.