Need to send BJP Virus and joint ventures of ideological differences to home: Sardesai



Panaji: The President of Goa Forward Party Vijai Sardesai has appealed to youths of Goa to understand the politics of parties having joint ventures with ideological difference and BJP, with viruses more dangerous than Omicron, and send them home after forthcoming assembly election.

Goa Forward Party on Tuesday appointed Ram Nagvekar as President of Mandrem Block. Whilst making the announcement of the new block, Sardesai said that youth will have to play a major role in politics.

Mandrem candidate Deepak Kalangutkar Deepak Kalangutkar and others were present on the occasion.

Vijai Sardesai said that the new year will give a new Goemkarwadi government. “We need to win seats to form a government. We want healthy youths to take our work forward and I am optimistic that youths will come forward as they have suffered. ” He said.

“Parties having joint ventures with ideological differences and BJP needs to be sent home.” He said.

“Youth need to take the responsibility of politics on their shoulders to save the future of Goa.” He said.

“Our Party is made in Goa. Whatever we speak we deliver. This has become our identity. We need to keep it intact and go Forward.” Sardesai added.

“If we want to take Mandrem at International level, then we will need to work in full swing.” He further said.

Deepak Kalangutkar said that he was working in all 48 booths and while working many youth joined him.

“I am feeling good that youths are joining Goa Forward Party and contributing in developmental works.” He said.

Ram Nagvekar said that youths are with Deepak Kalangutkar, who will make him win.


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