Mhadei lawyer blames govt for allowing notification of the tribunal award


Panaji: Contradictory to the statement by Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on the floor of the House, a lawyer representing Goa before SC in Mahadayi matter has said that he raised no objection to the notification of tribunal order, acting on the directions of the state government.

Advocate Arvind Datar told Prudent Media on Sunday that his submission before the Apex Court was fall out of the directions of the state government.

The statement by advocate will put the Chief minister and BJP led government in a problem as the former had claimed that the lawyer took the decision on his own.

The issue was discussed on the floor of the House during which Goa Forward Party MLA Vijai Sardesai and Independent MLA Rohan Khaunte had demanded replacement of the existing lawyer.

GFP MLA Vinod Palyekar had questioned “on what basis did the counsel representing the state of Goa before the Supreme Court gave consent to notify the Mahadayi Tribunal Award and on whose instruction was this submission made before the supreme court.”

The CM had replied “On basis that he has not accounted for, the Counsel did not oppose notification of the Award on his own accord.”


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