Justice Ambadas Joshi must clarify to Goans how he will give justice to Goans under toothless Lokayukta Act- Girish Chodankar



Panaji – The Lokayukta Office is run with public money. The salary and all other expenses to the Lokayukta and his staff come from hardworking taxpayers money. Justice Ambadas Joshi must clarify to the people of Goa how he will deliver justice to the People of Goa working under the ambit of toothless Goa Lokayukta Act demanded Goa Pradesh Congress Committee president Girish Chodankar at a press conference at Congress House today.

He was accompanied by Congress Leader James Andrade and Tivim Congress Leader Umakant Kudnekar.

The position of Lokayukta is not a Ceremonial Post. With the former Lokayukta Justice P K Mishra directing the BJP Government to investigate almost 21 cases of their own government and as many cases pending before Lokayukta, it is loud and clear that it will be challenging task before the new Lokayukta to be upright, honest and committed. Justice Ambadas Joshi must hold a meeting with former Lokayukta P K Mishra before taking charge demanded Girish Chodankar.

It is important that the new Lokayukta must come clean on how he will give justice to his own appointment working under the ambit of diluted Lokayukta Act stated Girish Chodankar.

Justice Ambadas Joshi must clear his position and explain to the People of Goa on what grounds he has given his consent to accept the post of Lokayukta. Is he coming to Goa to deliver justice or on a paid holiday? It is the right of every Goan to know the answer before he takes charge demanded Girish Chodankar.

We have made it clear that no self respecting person will accept the post with diluted Lokayukta Act said Girish Chodankar.

I want to urge Justice Ambadas Joshi to read and get acquainted with the History of Agitations in Goa. He needs to make a choice between upholding his own dignity or hypothicating it to the corrupt BJP government stated Girish Chodankar.

It was a slap on the face of BJP Government when Justice Utkarsh Bakre refused to take the post of Lokayukta, which has eventually compelled the BJP Government to search for an outsider. The act of Justice Bakre has upheld the self respect and dignity of each Goan said Girish Chodankar.

BJP Government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah have murdered each and every democratic and independent institutions in the Country. The local BJP under Dr. Pramod Sawant who is puppet in the hands of Modi-Shah duo is taking forward their agenda to save his chair claimed Girish Chodankar.

I demand that Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant must reveal whether consent of all the members of the selection panel was taken and make public their views on appointment of new Lokayukta said Girish Chodankar.


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