Harvesting machine for farmers inaugurated by Rohan Khaunte in Carrem

Porvorim: In yet another move to help the farmers community, Porvorim MLA Rohan Khaunte on Friday inaugurated a harvesting machine at Carrem. Earlier today he announced the formation of Penha De França Shetkari Club in Village Panchayat of Penha De Franca, Porvorim Constituency, a new farmer’s club formed for the upliftment of agricultural community through various initiatives.
Also present for the function was panch member Sanjay Pednekar. Pednekar lauded this initiative by the Porvorim MLA and said,  “Khaunte has not only provided us with Harvester but also tractor services that too free of cost.”
“Due to heavy rains this monsoon many farmers across Goa had suffered loss added to this peril was lockdown. Our MLA has provided us the much needed relief during these difficult times,” Pednekar added.
Speaking on the occassion Khaunte said, “New harvesters will make work much easier. We have also started giving compensation to farmers through our club for those who have suffered losses due to heavy rains.”
Stressing on the pressing need to help one another Khaute reckoned this is the time when we should help people instead of doing politics.


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