Governor visits Margaret Bosco Bal Saunstha


Governor of Goa, Shri. P.S Sreedharan Pillai visited Margaret Bosco Bal So Saunstha  ( MBBS) at Paliem, Ucassaim, Bardez today.

          Expressing happiness of visiting the Saunstha Shri. Pillai informed that he has decided to visit every village of Goa as much as possible. The Raj Bhavan has initiated the step from the birthday of Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi to provide financial assistance to orphanages, old age homes and needy dialysis  patients from the Governor’s fund. We have chosen this type of institution because such institutes not just serve people but provide service to God. No one is orphaned because the humble love of God is always there with us and that is the shelter he added.

Mentioning that the door of Raj Bhavan is always open for such types of institutions, the Governor said that he would like to spend his time interacting with people from such institutions. I have decided to visit such service oriented activities, he added.

Governor highlighted the Deen Dayal Swasthya Seva Yojana scheme of the central Government and said that MLA can also take initiative to provide benefits of such schemes to the needy people.

Governor of Goa, Shri. P.S Sreedharan Pillai distributed financial aid to the institution and also to 14 dialysis patients from Bardez Taluka.

Collector, Shri Ajit Roy, IAS, MLA Shri. Glen Tiklo Souza, Director of Women Child Development, Smt. Deepali Naik,   Secretary to Governor, Shri. Mihir Vardhan and Sarpanch Shri. Anand Gadekar were among those present on the occasion.

Earlier, the Governor had breakfast with the boys of the institution and then spent some time interacting with them.

The function commenced with the welcome speech by Fr Clive Teles while Fr. Jose Sequeira proposed a vote of thanks.


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