Goa! Here comes lady IPS officer who is real Dabang


Panaji: In the list of transfers which was released today, Goa will have IPS officer Ms Islam Khan who has faced transfers for booking corrupt politicians and has a record of paying her half salary to the family of a truck driver killed by robbers.

Khan is a 2007 IPS batch officer.

The lady IPS officer had her share good work, executed without limelight, when she gave half of her salary every month to a family of a truck driver killed by robbers near Delhi.

As per the report on portalwww.thebetterindia.com,

the family of truck driver Sardar Maan Singh was supported by Khan with half of her salary since June 2018 after the incident.

“DCP ma’am had found out that we were struggling to live. She spoke to all of us and promised that she would transfer some amount to our account every month,” the portal has quoted family members of the driver which lives in a small hut in a hamlet of 150 houses in Flora – about two kilometers from the Indo-Pak border.

Not only this, the family members have told the portal that Khan has been texting them everyday and keeps herself updated on their progress. “Every three days or so, the IPS officer calls the Singh family and talks to them like their family.”

While this is a softer side of the IPS officer, the tougher side is her transfer from Andamans in the year 2014 for arresting eight government officials for taking bribe.

Khan who was posted as the superintendent of police (anti-corruption) in the Andamans had arrested eight government officials for accepting bribe in October and November, 2013.

She had arrested four officials of the port Blair Municipal Council in October for purchasing electrical items at exorbitant rates. She then went on to arrest more government employees, including a traffic police sub inspector, for taking bribe.



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