GAC Holidays signs MOU with 3 Hotels in Kashmir, book your tour with GAC Holidays


GAC Holidays signs MOU in Kashmir with 3 Hotels, 2 hotels in Srinagar and 1 hotel in Pahalgam. Kashmir has been filled with tourists this season considering the heat wave across India Kashmir was a pleasant escape for people across India.
GAC Holidays has been organising huge groups to Kashmir along with Private trips for couples and families who like their own privacy, while talking to a GAC Holidays representatives they said that the demand for private tours to Kashmir is the most and is most in demand with families and couples considering the beautiful landscape and snow covered mountains. The weather adds to the thrill of this place for all the Goan people who are used to the tropical climate.

GAC Holidays welcomes all the Goans to visit Kashmir with GAC Holidays and stay in their hotels in Kashmir with assured services.

GAC Holidays: +91 8007274939/ 8208595309