Entrepreneur and Social Activist Ritesh Chodankar joins AAP To bring AAP model to Goa


Entrepreneur and Social Activist Ritesh Chodankar joined the Aam Aadmi Party today in the presence of Delhi CM and National Convenor Shri Arvind Kejriwal. Chodankar is a prominent businessman and social activist in Porvorim and is famous for helping residents during the lockdown especially with Oximeters. Chodankar is an entrepreneur with over 28 years of experience in the various fields like Education, Engineering, Telecom Hospitality, BFSI, Hospitality & Real Estate and is also the Founder of Kamlabai Chodankar Charitable trust and has been associated with various NGOs

Chodankar joined the party as he was deeply impressed by how the party helped Goenkars during the pandemic even without a single MLA. He was impressed by how the party provided food to families of those Covid affected, did a door to door campaign providing oximeter check up services and even went out of their way to help provide oxygen cylinders. Chodankar said this kind of service is what is missing in other parties. Chodankar was also impressed by Arvind Kejriwal’s first two promises regarding electricity and jobs. He said that AAP was genuinely working on issues impacting Goenkars.

Presently AAP volunteers are crisscrossing the state taking Arvind Kejriwal’s Job Guarantee to the houses of every Goenkar. Everyday they are holding registrations across 75 booths and Yatras in 2 Assemblies across the state. On an AVG 5K people register for Arvind Kejriwals Job guarantee. AAP has also been growing at a very fast pace, earlier during the week Premanand Babu Nanoskar from Dabolim joined the party and as of day before Veteran Actor and director Rajdeep Naik has joined AAP.

“I have worked all along for the people of Goa, Being an entrepreneur I have faced corruption. Goa has immense potential and business opportunities, because of this rotten system Goa has not attained its maximum.” said Ritesh Chodankar. “As a businessman I have been travelling all over, I have been to Delhi as well, my business partners used to praise Arvind Kejriwal’s policies. I used to wonder if we can have the same policies in Goa, our youth will get a better opportunities. I have taken this step to be the change agent, to bring the change which is much awaited in Goa, I will work hard to bring Kejriwal Model of Governance in Goa, so that youth of Goa gets a better future.” Chodankar said. “I am amazed to see that In Delhi Schools AAP Govt has implemented Entrepreneurship Curriculum, it is a wonderful thing.” added Chodankar

“We welcome Ritesh Chodankar to the party. Goenkars of all hues are joining AAP as they know only AAP can change Goa’s politics and provide hope to the youth” said AAP Goa Convenor Rahul Mhambre

“People are joining AAP from all walks of life because they know that AAP is the only party that is clean and keeps the future of Goenkars at heart. Those joining AAP are people who want to bring change to Goa and are from all walks of life” said Valmiki Naik AAP Goa Vice President.


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