Enthusiastic Goenkars launch Global Goan Association


The Global Goan Association was launched with an objective to create a global community for Goans and uplift the Spirit of Goa worldwide, under the leadership of Simon DSilva as the President and Mangirish Salelkar as the Vice President. The Global Association of Goans was formally launched on 11th May 2023 during the 23rd Annual May Queen Ball in Qatar in the presence of Goa’s MLA Adv. Carlos Alvares Ferreira, along with Goan Industrialists, Professionals and artists. Global Goan Association aims to create a common platform for Goans all over the globe known for dedicated social services, literature, cultural artist, engineers, doctors, academicians, entrepreneurs, industrialists, leading politicians, renowned scientists, and persons from different walks of life. The association is dedicated to connecting Goans worldwide, spreading Goan culture and heritage and is also committed to uplifting the Goan community. “Our vision is to create an umbrella organization to connect and support Goans across the globe. We aim to organize business and cultural events and spread the Goan culture and talk about our rich heritage across the world. Dual Citizenship for OCI passport holders will also be one of the primary agenda.” said Mr Simon Dsilva, who is also the President of Goan Welfare Association in Qatar. “Every Goenkar outside Goa has great pride in its culture, traditions and heritage. We will get all these people under one roof and be the voice for every Goan. We will facilitate and encourage Goans overseas to invest in businesses and startups in Goa. The association is a valuable resource to the Goans worldwide which is committed to building a stronger and more vibrant Goan community.” added Mangirish Salelkar, CEO of Umang Group and a young social entrepreneur based in Goa. “We will begin accepting global membership starting in July 2023. We have regional directors designated for every country who will be our ambassadors to strengthen the Goan community under GGA” Mr Silva announced during the Summit. Global Goan Association(GGA) currently has managing committee members and regional directors from 20 different countries like Qatar, Bahrain, U.A.E, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, U.K, France, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Tanzania. The association plans to expand its reach in every country in the near future. “Goans have redefined the word ‘Suesgad’, The Global Goan diaspora needs to be educated about the business and job opportunities in Goa. We need the smart working and career focused Goans to come back to Goa.” Mr Salelkar said. For more information: www.globalgoanassociation.com


  1. good, hope that the congress learnt lessons. this would be their last chance. or else finish story.

  2. I feel Goa needs to make it safe, politically, economically..Goans are after money selling their properties to foreigners. People left cultivating crops and occupied agricultural land to build resorts, houses

  3. Good, I am happy about :: now Goans are improving,, the Politicians of Goa has looted & spoiled Goan culture, Goan power & made Goans Beggers..
    No industries in Goa so no jobs…
    No educational institutionsso no IRS IAS IFS from Goa.
    Only casinos are increasing in future>> 40 mlas = 40 Casinos


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