DGP must Apologise to Goans demands – Aires


Adv. Aires Rodrigues has demanded that Goa DGP Mukesh Kumar Meena should either seek a voluntary transfer out of Goa or withdraw those very high-handed and outrageous statements while also apologizing to the people of Goa.

Adv. Aires Rodrigues has stated that by publicly threatening those who are trying to save the remaining lungs of Goa, DGP Meena had the unheard audacity to cross his brief and state that those three very controversial projects being opposed by the people are in national interest and were being executed after proper study and research.

Demanding to know on what basis the DGP had
come to that conclusion and taken up on himself to speak on policy decisions taken by the Government, Adv. Aires Rodrigues has pointed out that in keeping with the provisions of the law, the Supreme Court has reiterated through various judgments that the Police have to be totally and absolutely insulated from any political influence or machinations whatsoever and that officers regardless of their position are duty bound at all times to uphold the Rule of Law.

Stating that besides the people of Goa even some Ministers and ruling MLAs are strongly opposed to these projects, Adv. Aires Rodrigues has stated that these uncalled for skewed statements by the DGP were ever so reckless and had lowered the remaining image of the Goa Police by him acting as a political tool of the Government.

Stating that Goa’s current lawlessness was there for all to see, and that it reflects on the inefficiency of the now politically controlled and maneuvered Goa Police who by their acts of omission and commission have miserably failed to command and
ensure law and order in the once Goa’s most tranquil State, Adv. Rodrigues has decried the partisan attitude of DGP Meena whose otherwise conduct should have been exemplary.

Lamenting that the DGP had sadly publicly proven to be a mouth piece of the government, Adv. Aires Rodrigues has stressed that integrity being the foundation of law enforcement and that anyone lacking in integrity should not be in law enforcement at any levels.

Adv. Aires Rodrigues has stated that Police officers must be dedicated public servants who are sworn to protect public safety at all times while upholding the law and not acting as cheer leaders and never daring to be dumb mouthpieces for a party or Government in Power.

Adv.Aires Rodrigues has further stated that DGP Meena’s utterances has sadly indicated and only eroded public confidence and trust in the very people that look to for protection.

Adv. Aires Rodrigues has also stated that DGP Meena instead of making political statements which he by law is not entitled to should reflect into why true criminal offences in Goa are not being duly
registered as the Government wants to project to the world that Goa is a Safe Haven while the grim ground reality is starkly there to the contrary.

Recalling that Goa has seen DGPs who were good, very good and the not so good, Adv.Aires Rodrigues has emphasized that DGP Meena in his short tenure has sadly proven beyond reasonable doubt that he is emerging to be the worst of the lot.



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